Editors are categorised into genre i.e Commercial Editor, Feature Film Editor or TV Editor. You can also search for experience level which are divided into 3 categories; 2+ years / 5+ years / 10+ years
Sophia Lou - Editor
Meet editor Sophia Lou. A lover of Scandinavian sensibilities, Sophia honed her storytelling skills in the early days of online content when brands were much more open to experiment. And has since crafted a career as commercial editor working on stunning pieces of work, one of which was shown during the Super Bowl and nominated for an Emmy! Enjoy Sophia’s career story!
Rayshaun DW - 2nd Assistant Editor
Meet Rayshaun, a 2nd Assistant Editor based in London whose love of storytelling started early, with a love of Disney movies (who can relate??). Her story is so inspiring and a really important read for those in the early stages of their career. The way she thanks those who’ve inspired and helped her is just the most heartwarming thing ever. Enjoy Rayshaun’s career story!
Juliet Janklow - Assistant Editor
Meet Juliet Janklow, an L.A based I.A.T.S.E Local 700 Assistant Editor. Juliet’s story really shines a light on the benefits of pursuing a role as an assistant editor. She perfectly captures how important the role is in laying the foundations to your career as an editor. I love how detail oriented she is and her recognition of the growth that comes with working alongside an editor. Enjoy Juliet’s career story!
Erin Bowser - Editor
Meet Erin Bowser, an editor based in Paris who’s career story is a brilliant source of inspiration for those editors of who made the call to move and set up a new career somewhere new. Moving from New York to Paris, Erin left a successful career and strong network to build a new one and pursue her dreams. Her story is a true testament to reaching for those wanderlust aspirations. Enjoy Erin’s career story!
Pasha Gray- Editor/Assistant Editor
Meet Pasha, a documentary editor and assistant based in Atlanta, Georgia. She describes the selects process as a ‘treasure hunt’ and I just love the idea of finding those ‘gem’ moments in all of those rushes. Her desire to move people through her work is incredibly inspiring. Enjoy Pasha’s career story!
Charlie France - Freelance Editor
Meet London based freelance editor Charlie France. Charlie is a creative force to be reckoned with, working with brands like and artists including Alicia Keys, Stefflon Don and Paul McCartney. What really stands out in Charlie's story is her business prowess, as a freelancer she works doubley hard to market herself and build connections with directors to ensure she's always got new projects on the horizon, such an important aspect of successful freelancing. Enjoy Charlie's career story!
Tash Hicks - Colourist
Meet Colourist Tash Hicks. A passionate photographer from a young age, Tash discovered the art of colour grading in her first job as a runner and never looked back! Faced with industry hurdles, her tenacity and talent set her career trajectory on an upward path, she is definitely one to watch!
Ashley Ingbretson - Editor at PS260
Meet Ashley Ingbretson, an editor at PS260. Having only gained the official title of ‘editor’ in 2022, she’s in the exciting early stages of her career where she really gets to carve out her own style and process. I LOVE Ashley’s depiction of getting into ‘demon mode’ in the edit, grabbing snacks and a coffee and honing in on the rough cut 😈 ✂️ Enjoy Ashley’s career story!
Betty Chung - Editor
Meet Kansas City based editor Betty Chung. Alongside her husband Sam, she founded Crystal Daisy Productions and together they shoot and edit content for local businesses, musicians as well as feature length documentaries. I love her story and the fact that she works so well with her husband, they clearly are a brilliant team. Enjoy Betty’s story!
Geri Docherty - Editor
Meet editor Geri Docherty. Originally from Melbourne Geri has recently moved to the UK and been signed by The Quarry. Geri talks about how editing felt ‘like home’ when she discovered it at film school and the importance of surrounding yourself friends who all want to collaborate on creative projects like you do. Enjoy Geri’s story!
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