Betty Chung - Editor
Job title - Editor
Experience - 5+ years
Describe your job role and the kinds of projects/clients you work with.
I am a full time video editor at my company, Crystal Daisy Productions, which I founded with my husband. He is the cinematographer while I am the editor. We are based in Kansas City and specialize in commercials, documentaries, TV shows, and currently branching out into narrative films.
What does an average day look like in your post production working world?
I work from home with my doggie and husband (he does all the camera work). An average day is the same but different. I work on many different projects. I am mostly in Premiere Pro but dabble in After Effects and the rest of the Adobe Suite. I am on the computer most of the day, also doing administrative tasks to run my business. But I edit all types of things from narratives, commercials, reality shows, IG shorts, documentaries, music videos, etc. You name it, I've done it! It's never the same so it is alway interesting!
How did your career in post production begin?
Growing up, my father worked at major camera companies so he was always bringing home the latest camcorders and cameras. I started playing with them at a young age and got into making video in middle school. I continued it as a hobby throughout college and even after. I started out doing business in the corporate world but wasn't enjoying my life so I decided to turn my hobby into a career!
What has been your career highlight?
My career highlight is when I was able to make multiple feature length documentaries that were accepted into film festivals. Before that, I had not done anything feature length. Documentaries are my favorite because they allow me to be creative as an editor, putting together the story how I see best fit. Having multiple documentaries accepted into festivals around the country was amazing. It showed that my work was valued by other people and the stories we are telling are interesting and valuable. I also feel like having clients leave me positive feedback is a highlight. When clients are specifically requesting me as an editor, I know I have made an impact and done a good job!
Who are your role models in post?
There is not one specific person. I enjoy watching how different documentaries and edits are put together by different people. Any edits that are "out of the norm" are the most interesting to me.
What advice do you have for others wanting to start a career in post?
Say yes to every project. Don't say no because a project doesn't 'look cool' or isn't what you want to be doing. Get experience in everything.