Editors are categorised into genre i.e Commercial Editor, Feature Film Editor or TV Editor. You can also search for experience level which are divided into 3 categories; 2+ years / 5+ years / 10+ years
Khaiyah Barber - Editor
Meet Khaiyah Barber, a video editor based in North Carolina. Khaiyah’s passion for editing is all in the family, with her citing her dad as her biggest role model. She now works alongside him at Dynamik Works, producing and editing fantastic content. Enjoy Khaiyah’s career story!
Shannon Rosato - Editor
Meet Shannon Rosato an NYC based editor working at Conscious Minds Studios. Shannon is a wonderful mix of editor and mgfx artist and her love for her craft is infectious. In her career story she talks about the joy of creating movies with her friends, being on the board of LGBTQIA+ festival @outatthemovies and her ‘workmate’, her three legged cat Joan. Enjoy Shannon’s story!
Angela Catanzaro - Editor
Meet Angela Catanzaro, an editor who’s impressive list of credits include the latest in the Predator movie franchise, ‘Prey’, TV series ‘Friday Night Lights’ and Jackie Chan’s ‘The Foreigner’. As if editing some of the world’s biggest films and TV shows wasn’t enough, Angela is also an equestrian who competes in the sport of eventing, meaning 6am starts and an incredible amount of self-discipline. Enjoy Angela’s career story!
Emilie Aubry - Editor
Meet LA based commercial editor Emilie Aubry. Originally from France, Emilie is repped by @workeditorial and has worked with brands including Spotify, Facebook and edited music videos for artists including Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. In her career story she talks about the importance of sound in her edits, how her passion for filmmaking started at the age of 12 and her aspirations of editing a TV series. Enjoy Emilie’s career story!
Justine Robilliard - Editor
Meet Justine Robilliard, a TV news editor based in Durban, South Africa with over 25 years experience. Working in both English and isiZulu Justine has the most compelling passion for her craft and it’s so clear when you read her story. Enjoy!
Sophie Solomon - Editor
Meet Sophie Solomon a New York based commercial editor who ‘stole’ her mum’s camcorder when she was 12 and ‘never looked back’. Sophie shares great advice and insight into her editing career plus a beautiful story about her dog ‘Frank’ who loves joining her in her edit suite. Enjoy Sophie’s story!
Anne Perri - Editor
Meet NYC based commercial editor Anne Perri. Anne’s career spans over 15 years working in both London and US based post houses. Her career started at Academy films where she cut mood films for directors and the rest is history! Enjoy Anne’s inspiring career story!
Morgan Taylor Bradley - Editor
Meet Morgan Taylor Bradley, an editor based in Kansas City working at ArtClass Content. Focusing on her strengths and not being discouraged by not being naturally technical, has pathed the way for an exceptional career. She’s worked with brands including Sephora and Nike and has some great career advice to share. Enjoy Morgan’s career story!
Cindy Mollo - Editor
Meet the wonderful Cindy Mollo, editor of Ozark, The Book of Eli, and Mad Men (amongst many other great films and TV shows). Cindy shares her career story with Edit Girls. Enjoy!
Jordan Jeynes - Editor
Meet Jordan Jeynes, a Brisbane based editor cutting commercials, branded content and music videos. Jordan’s story is a great read for aspiring editors, she’s meticulous with her approach whilst also allowing the footage to take her on a journey when first moulding an edit. Enjoy Jordan’s inspiring career story!
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