Toni Ann Carabello - Emmy nominated editor on Queer Eye Season 7


Job title - Editor


Experience - 20+ years


As a young person, starting out at MTV, we had a lot of freedom to have fun and experiment. One of my first shows as an editor/producer was MTV Cribs. The show had just started so, along with a couple of other editors, we got to come up with the look and style of the show. I never thought that it would go on to be part of pop culture the way it has.
— Toni Ann Carabello - Editor

Describe your job role and the kinds of projects/clients you work with. 

I'm an editor. I work mostly in unscripted for various cable networks, Bravo, TLC and with streaming services, like Netflix.

What does an average day look like in your post production working world?

I usually get up and start fairly early, since I've been working at home. If I already have something I am working on, I just keep moving forward on that. If I am starting a new scene, I talk it through with my producer and we make a game plan on how to tackle it, and anything else that I may need to know, like deadlines etc. Once I am finished with the scene I will have my producer take a watch, give any notes and suggestions, then pass it along to the EP's. When I'm in the notes process the days move a little quicker. It tends to be more hands on deck and working together to get it back out the door.

How did your career in post production begin?

I started interning while I was a junior in college. I did various internships, the last of which was with MTV. After graduation I was hired in the News and Docs dept, at MTV, as a Production Assistant on an Ultra Sound show called "Back in the Day" I worked my way up through all production positions, but also learned to edit, as I was doing other jobs, mainly just by watching. I was still an AP when an editor got sick and was out, so they threw me in the chair, hoping for the best, and that's how it all started. I continued to produce and edit for years. I eventually just focused on editing, but my producing background has proved to be a valuable asset.

What has been your career highlight?

As a young person, starting out at MTV, we had a lot of freedom to have fun and experiment. One of my first shows as an editor/producer was MTV Cribs. The show had just started so, along with a couple of other editors, we got to come up with the look and style of the show. I never thought that it would go on to be part of pop culture the way it has. A couple of other highlights were getting to work on Oprah: Behind the Scenes because I had been a big fan of hers for many years. The show followed her last year of tapings and would be the premiere show on her new network, OWN. Queer Eye is another because I really loved the show and what it has done for the people on it. The episodes I edited were so heartfelt and inspiring. It feels good to be a part of something that can really help people change their lives for the better. I also got my first Emmy nomination for being lead editor on the episode "Speedy for Life.”

Who are your role models in post?

I don't have anyone specific, but I have had the opportunity to meet and work with so many amazing female editors over the years, that are doing such great work. Everyone has been so generous and helpful throughout. That inspires me to do better, and push harder, towards my goals.

What advice do you have for others wanting to start a career in post?

Decide what area of post/editing you want to get into and focus on that path. Always ask questions, they're never wrong, and be sure to take every opportunity to watch what people, in your desired job. are doing and how they handle themselves. I found the best way to learn was always by observing and asking, when you can. Most people are happy to give advice.


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