Olivia Sorley - Editor




Experience 5+ years


The projects that inspire me most are the ones where you can tell the story matters deeply to the director. Those are the stories I want to help tell.
— Olivia Sorley, Editor

Describe your job role and the kinds of projects/clients you work with. 

I’m an editor who has been working in trailers for the past 5 years while editing narratives in my free time. With a solid background collaborating with Netflix, I have a knack for comedy editing. The projects that inspire me most are the ones where you can tell the story matters deeply to the director. Those are the stories I want to help tell.

What does an average day look like in your post production working world?

I’ve been working mainly in Premiere for the past five years. My average day involves breaking down shows and movies (using markers galore!), chatting through notes with producers, and then cutting together something that makes me proud to do what I do.

How did your career in post production begin?

While at university in Vancouver, I called every production on the BC Production List asking if they needed a post-PA. Eventually, a company that specialized in Hallmark and Lifetime movies answered the phone and offered me a job. I worked up the ladder from post-PA to 2nd assistant editor, to 1st assistant editor, until I moved to LA and found work as an assistant editor here. After a few years of editing as much as I could during my AE job, I moved up to editor.

What has been your career highlight?

In 2020, I had the privilege of editing my debut feature film, 'Never Better.' It was truly surreal to work on a project that resonated so deeply with me. I felt so grateful for the opportunity to contribute to telling such a meaningful story.

Who are your role models in post?

My good friend, Catherine Goohs, is the most delightful, excitable, passionate person I know. She is always out there making career moves while also making people feel great.

What advice do you have for others wanting to start a career in post?

Networking is much less scary if you just treat it like making friends.

Connect with Olivia on Instagram.


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